Cambozola 8x150g(M1085115)

In Stock Vegetarian Cows Milk Pasteurised
Often marked as blue brie, Cambozola was invented in around 1900 and produced in Chamoignon. Extra cream is added to the milk giving the rich consistancy characteristics. The rind is similar to that of a camambert, edible bloomy rind.


Mild, smooth, and creamy in texture, the Cambazola is milder than a gorgonzola.The cheese's name to be a portmanteau of Cambembert and Gorgonzola, given that its flavour profile combines the moist, rich creaminess of Camembert with the sharpness of Gorgonzola.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Energy Kcal: 426.0
kj: 1,759.0
Fat: 41.1
Saturates: 27.0
Sugar: 0.5
Salt: 1.7

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