Capriccio Cheesecake with honey and pistachiosPosted on 7th March 2018

(for a 23 cm cake tin)
250 g cereal biscuits
50 g chopped pistachios
80 g butter
500 g Capriccio cheese
3 eggs
50 g icing sugar
200 g Greek yoghurt
5 tbsps honey
30 g whole pistachios

Grease a 23 cm spring form cake tin and keep in
the fridge.
Pre-heat the oven to 150°C.
place the biscuits in a mixer and crumble together
with the pistachios. Add the diced, cold butter
and blend together.
Pour the mixture into the cake tin and use a spoon
to level the surface.
Bake in the oven for around 20 minutes.
in a bowl, whisk together the cheese, eggs and
sugar until you get an even mixture.
Pour the filling over the baked base and put the
cake back in the oven for another 30 minutes.
Turn off the oven and leave to cool, then place in
the fridge.
Just before serving, remove the cheesecake from
the tin and cover the surface with yoghurt. Drizzle
over the honey. Garnish with pistachios.


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