Colla Grana Padano 2x1kg(K1140625)

In Stock Cows Milk Unpasteurised
Grana Padano is a crumbly cheese with a somewhat grainy texture, clean and milky in taste when young and becoming more buttery with age.
This item is a price by weight item and you will be charged the exact amount at invoice.


Founded in 1135, Grana Padano is considered to be one of the world s first hard cheeses. First created by the Cistercian monks of Chiaravalle in the 12th century, the cheese is produced alongside the Po River Valley in the North of Italy. A hard, slow-ripened cheese often compared to parmesan. Grana Padano is a crumbly cheese with a somewhat grainy texture, clean and milky in taste when young and becoming more buttery with age. The cheese features a dry, flaky interior which conceals a thick, straw coloured outer rind.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Energy Kcal: 398.0
kj: 1,654.0
Fat: 29.0
Saturates: 18.0
Salt: 1.5

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