Bradburys D/G Chive & Onion Truckle 6x200g(N2016351)

In Stock Vegetarian Cows Milk Pasteurised
A zingy cheese packed with flavour and character. Very more-ish and a great addition to any cheese board or simply on it s own to nibble on.


Originally, double Gloucester was made by adding cream from overnight milking to the morning milk, which produced a much richer product that has that signature smooth buttery flavour that pairs so well with the full-bodied flavour of the chives and onions. A firm bodied cheese with a smooth closed creamy texture that is has a golden base with particulate pieces of onions and chives.

Nutritional Information (per 100g)

Energy Kcal: 382.0
kj: 1,583.0
Fat: 30.8
Saturates: 19.4
Sugar: 0.7
Salt: 1.9

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